11 Hilarious Times People Got Caught Lying on Social Media
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Sometimes people only lie on social media for the sake of lying. Yet here's the thing about lying, if you're going to do it, be really good at it. These people tried to do their hardest to pull something off online, and then they got caught up in their huge, terrible lies.
1. Just another day, chilling out.
2. A friend on the terrace is the friend who’ll embarrass.
3. A romantic dinner with myself.
4. Someone: How single are you?
5. Heading off to Europe for a much-needed break...
6. I hope this is her own backyard.
7. The guy still doesn’t have a selfie stick.
8. This is how I travel the world.
9. My desk for the day...
10. From car to bus in 0.6 seconds.
11. Well, this is technically a Mac-book.
Hope you enjoyed it.
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