5 Psychological Tricks Through Which You Can Easily Catch a Liar Within a Minute
Friday, June 5, 2020
Lying is an art, the art of shrewdness. But you can definitely catch them if you know how to deal with them and how to catch their lying and deceptive nature. Sometimes everybody lies but very few people are really good at it. So, more often than not, if you know what to look for, you can catch a liar easily.
Here are 5 methods through which you can easily catch a lier:-
1. Inconsistencies
If you want to know if someone's lying to you, look for inconsistencies in what they mean. This is, in itself, a common lie detector used in courtrooms and by investigators. It's hard to keep up with a lie, particularly when you're asked to go through the specifics again and again. The liar is more than likely to slip up and ultimately tell himself that he is lying.
2. Pay close attention to their body language
Often, to read someone's true emotions, you have to rely on their body language. Although many let lies spill out of their mouths, they sometimes forget what their bodies could communicate. Use it to your advantage. Are they avoiding contact with the eye? Are their smiles fake, huh? Should they feel awkward? If the answer to any of these types of questions is yes, they may be lying to you. Untrained liars often betray what they’re saying with unconscious head movements. Watch them from the neck up as they tell you a suspected lie, and see if the “yes” nod or “no” shake matches what they’re saying. See whether the head shakes "no" when they say "yes".
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