15 Things That Will Totally Surprise You With Their Actual Size

15 Things That Will Totally Surprise You With Their Actual Size

Size is an abstract value until we start comparing one object to the other. Sometimes, when we look at photographs, we have no idea of the true size of certain things. In order to better understand their actual size, we need to see these objects in comparison with others. Because sometimes things that we thought were small may turn out to be really huge.
Here we have collected many pictures of objects that will surprise you with their actual size:-

1. The seed from a giant avocado I bought is the same size as a whole regular avocado.

©️potato_eatin_ho /Reddit

2. Baby King Cobra next to adult King Cobra.

©️dopeascope252 /Reddit

3. This is probably the smallest banana we’ve seen so far...

4. A giant mushroom someone was lucky to find.

© MartianRoadster / Reddit

5. A tiny snail that we would probably not even notice.

© lippycow / Reddit

6. The size of this zucchini my grandfather grew and my hand for scale.

© TheBubster85 / Reddit

7. Have you ever seen a whale's heart?

© TheKnightBus / Reddit

8. A baby swordfish.

© Tucko29 / Reddit

9. The little dot on the left of the photo is Mercury orbiting the Sun.

© wizardspoiled / Reddit

10. Human claw for scale.

© ecky--ptang-zooboing / reddit

11. I’ve been asked to share my 67 lb cabbage with you guys.

© Ukherewegrow / reddit

12. This is an 80-foot-tall boojum cactus. The cardón cactus on the right is over 60 feet tall.

© TeaSipper******** / reddit

13. The size of this California Condor.

© VlClOUSLY / reddit

14. Bear claws next to a human hand.

© chiefflerpynerps / reddit

15. The sheer size of this saltwater crocodile.

© God_is_Goood / reddit

16. A 10MB hard drive from the 1960s.

© novartistic / reddit

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