14 Pics Taken Seconds Before Someone Disaster That Will Make You Feel Pain Just By Looking At Them

14 Pics Taken Seconds Before Someone Disaster That Will Make You Feel Pain Just By Looking At Them

You may be the best photographer in the world, but sometimes all you need to take a wonderful picture is to be in the right place and to have perfect timing. When someone takes a photograph so perfectly timed that it can never be re-created, such weird photos are the best kind of hilarious to be totally unexpected and original. Check out the list below for pics taken seconds before a disaster that will make you feel pain just by looking at it.

1. Let me at least take the camera away!

© unknown author/imgur

2. The last chance of getting away dry has been lost.

© AdamE89/reddit

3. You shouldn’t have breathed down my neck the whole race!

© unknown author/imgur

4. Unidentified Flying Sandal.

© EiZenHoweLL/reddit

5. The guy behind knows how much the trophy costs.

© AdamE89/reddit

6. Take a picture of me with the c... Nooo!

© xLIxLEGENDx7x/reddit

7. Stop the puck whatever it takes!

© unknown author/imgur

8. At least have pity on the headphones!

© kylefrost/reddit

9. This probably made the boy grow cold to the Harry Potter books.

© longmountain/reddit

10. The last moment when the dress was still white:

© Studio Damon

11. Stop taking photos of your food. Share it!

© sophielola_/reddit

12. My friend set her hair on fire while blowing the candles on her birthday cake. It took a split second before anyone realized it.

© MURPHtheSURF/reddit

13. I’d love to see the picture taken one second later.

© unknown author/imgur

14. Enjoying the clouds, the sky...and watching your phone fall

© Zaychig / Pikabu

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2 Responses to "14 Pics Taken Seconds Before Someone Disaster That Will Make You Feel Pain Just By Looking At Them"

  1. Those pics were great! As long as you weren't the ones in the pictures.

  2. In # 14 the iphone is in a case that if it is real not a knock of, and the phone breaks due to a fall the case maker warranties that they will pay to replace the phone. That should be fine.
