7 Unexpected Ways Psychology Play With Your Mind Only a Handful of People Know
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Knowing the psychology behind the way we tick could make us tick even better. Several studies and research have been conducted on how and why our daily behavior and experiences are focused on. The findings have been surprising. Here are 7 psychological effects that may you have experienced in your daily life:-
1. The spotlight effect is the phenomenon in which people tend to believe that they are more noticeable than they really are. Since one is constantly at the center of one's own world, an accurate assessment of how much one is noticed by others is unusual. This kind of thinking tricks our minds into believing that every step we take will be judged and examined by others when, in reality, this mental exaggeration is far from reality.
2. All of us have had the experience of being in a new place and feeling certain that we've been there before. This mysterious feeling, commonly known as déjà vu, occurs when we feel that a new situation is known, even if there is evidence that the situation could not have happened before. Psychology still doesn't have the answer to what triggers these feelings, and Deja Vu remains an unsolved phenomenon.
3. The bystander effect is a social psychological theory that states that when there are other people present, individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim; the greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that one of them will greatly help. Research has shown that once one person in the crowd was ready to help-others would follow. But the main thing was to find a hero to get the move started.
4. The butterfly effect is an idea more commonly used in the theory of chaos. A minor change can result in even bigger changes; one small event can have a huge effect on the future. The word butterfly effect comes from an example where a butterfly in Japan flaps its wings and a tornado in Tennessee occurs.
5. Google's effect, also called digital amnesia, is a tendency to forget about the information that can be easily found online by using Internet search engines. According to the first Google Effect study, people are less likely to remember certain details that they believe will be available online.
6. Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon that causes people to see patterns in a random stimulus. This also leads to people assigning objects to individual characteristics. Typically this is made possible for people to see faces in things where there isn't one.
7. The cheerleader effect, also known as the group attractiveness effect, is the cognitive bias that causes people to think that individuals are more attractive when they are in a group. The true meaning of the effect is a this-one person when surrounded by a group of attractive mates, seems more beautiful. This is because your brain, in fact, calculates the "average level of attractiveness" within a group.
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