14 Times People Who Had One Job but Still Messed It Up

14 Times People Who Had One Job but Still Messed It Up

Sometimes people have only one job to do, and they still manage to screw it up. In fact, they manage to screw it up so bad that it's hard to believe they didn't notice it. Luckily, if you're not the one who messed up, it might be funny.

Here are 14 times people who had one job but still screw it up:-

1. Maybe this person was never really good with puzzles.

© MrEase / imgur

2. “This chandelier at a restaurant I ate at bothers me so much.”

© fluffynuff / reddit

3. When it rains, it pours.

© kellyJurfs / imgur

4. “Perfectly placed windows”.

© GekoTheWeeb / credit

5.  “The rare moment where front row seats are not ideal”

© downriverrowing / reddit

6. For those of you who enjoy company.

© _makemebad / credit

7. “Just a staircase in St. Petersburg”.

© Hellerick / reddit

8. This could be the perfect argument saver...the seat is finally down!

© chasisaac / reddit

9.  It's a trap! 

© unknown / imgur

10.  Well, they're not short on purple things, that's for sure.

© imtweakin24 / reddit

11. Let's NOT go out to the balcony because we can't.

© check-meow-t / reddit

12. Have you ever come in 3st?

© kevenm / imgur

13. Well, someone managed to fork up...

© BonzOnImgur / imgur

14. When you manage to get something useful and make it useless.

© ChocolateCurry / imgur

Hope you enjoyed it.

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