8 Psychological Reasons Why People Do Not Satisfy With Their Job?
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Dissatisfaction in any field of human enterprise to be a common feature with many people. Despite the best efforts on one's part, one naturally sometimes feels that he is not receiving all that is due to him. This feeling discourages him. To be happy and well adjusted in his work, one must have the feeling of job satisfaction in the work he has chosen for himself. Job satisfaction helps in maintaining the desired balance in life. The worker who has job satisfaction applies himself wholly to the job at hand. He accelerates the speed of production. Therefore the employer must see that each worker gets a job according to his abilities and interests. A worker must feel that he is at a job not merely for earning his bread, but also for doing some constructive or creative work in which he seeks enjoyment and fulfils himself. If a worker really enjoys his work, he develops a favourable attitude towards the same. This attitude consistently influences his work, if the external conditions of work are not irritating.
Various factors affect job satisfaction, such as age, gender, personality, intelligence, education, family responsibility, level of aspiration and mode of adjustment. Let's discuss each factor point by point:-
- Age of the person:- Age refers to physical maturity which may be necessary for job satisfaction in many cases. Some studies prove that age is directly related to job satisfaction, whereas some others do not find any relationship between them. Certain studies indicate that job satisfaction is very low between the age of 24 and 37 years and between 41 and 55. Evidently, job satisfaction doesn't need to increase with the advancement of age. It is so perhaps because the worker's other responsibilities of life divert his attention and lead him to think of the same more lucrative pursuits. Studies conducted on the relationship of age to job satisfaction have shown conflicting results in different groups.
- Personality:- One's personality traits have an inevitable impact on his made of functioning in various situations of life. It is generally seen that a person with a neurotic personality is dissatisfied with his job. There is no wonder if he quarrels with his foals. He generally finds faults with his environment and work and ultimately even with himself. A person with a balanced personality is generally more adjusted in his job. Such a person can find out his own ways of doing his job well. He develops his own style of work which appears to be unique and pleasing to others.
- Intelligence:- There is a close relationship between intelligence and job satisfaction. An intelligent person can develop his skill at his job much sooner than others do. But in certain cases, it may also be seen that a high intelligence person gets fed up with his job sooner and applies himself towards developing some other skill for another type of job. So there can be no positive relationship between one's intelligence and the job that he is working at.
- Education:- Certain studies have been made for finding out the relationship between one's standard of education and job satisfaction. In some investigations, it has been seen that highly educated workers get disgusted with a job soon and workers with ordinary education remain satisfied with their work for a long time. The reason may be that the highly educated worker has a higher level of aspiration and he thinks that he is suited for a higher job. Thus he feels that the work at hand is below his dignity.
- Gender:- As a result of many investigative studies, it has been found that women are more satisfied with their jobs as compared to men. This is probably due to the reason that women are more home and family centred, less ambitious and have fewer financial needs. This position also may be so because of a lower level of aspiration in women. Moreover, women may have limited needs. Accordingly, they may feel lighter responsibility in the various situation of life. However, we have to admit that exceptions to this conclusion may be found and some women also with multifarious duties in life may not experience job satisfaction.
- Family responsibility:- A worker with heavy family responsibility is generally very much disturbed, as he finds difficulties in solving his numerous family problems. He may have several daughters to get married. He may have old parents to look after. He may have a financial problem such as a bank loan.
- Years of service:- Most investigations have shown relatively high job satisfaction in a person when he is new on a job. The joy of getting recruited, a paycheque, new environment and eagerness to excel probably motivate an individual to take a real interest in their job. With time, like years of service increase, especially four to six years, there is a remarkable drop in job satisfaction. Then there is a surprising rise in the level of job satisfaction with more than ten-eleven years in service.
- Adjustment:- Adjustment is the key to satisfaction in life. The modern world is best with various types of intricate problems. Many such people in it try to go ahead of others by any means. In such a strange situation, one must be aware of his strengths and weakness and plan, his course of actions accordingly. To save oneself from frustrations, one must have a maximum capacity for adjustment. One must be able to adjust himself with his fellow workers, superiors and the management. The more one is adjusted in his behaviour with different types of persons, the greater satisfaction he will experience, not only at his job but also in other vital spheres of his life.
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